We use all natural ingredients in our incense, with no additives, accelerants or fillers. Just woods and spices.

Lavender – Of the Mint family. Its name has possible Latin roots that denote the verb “To Wash.” This would have referred to the use Lavender infusing itself with plants. It is also thought to be a reference to its known ability to cleanse space, as well as mind-sets. It’ll even deter moths during your reverie. Also known to promote beauty, which may be why burned Lavender is a key ingredient in some Magick love spells. 

Cinnamon –One of man’s oldest recorded spices, it has been traded between India, China, and Egypt for over 4,000 years. It’s used in aromatherapy for depression, anxiety, insomnia, and bitter nostalgia. 

Ginger Root- Cultivated since the earliest recorded history of medicine and culinary purposes, similar to weed giving you the munchies. Ginger is also used for nausea, circulation, effin’ relaxing your muscle spasms, and general pain relief. Its aroma is known to perk a person’s desire; particularly Scorpios, Leos, and Sagittarians.

Star Anise – Ruled by Jupiter and the Air element. It perks the wares of Pisces and Sagittarius. Star Anise helps instill a sense of calm, and inspires good luck. Carrying it on your person can be used to ward off an evil eye, which implies that smelling it is apt to repel an evil nose. It is helpful in stimulating your appetite, relieving gas and symptoms for influenza. It also wards off free-radicals. All that and it can avert risks of cancer to boot.  

Thyme – A powerful herb for the practicing of magic. Ancient Greeks believed Thyme could be used to restore one’s physical vigor, as well as a medicine for melancholy. It is burned to purify sacrifices to the gods. It also could arguably be used to quell most rear-end emissions. Ancient Greeks burned Thyme at funerals and placed it in the coffin of their departed so as to convey a message of courage and strength for the bereaved. Said to also provide similar messages for the deceased, as they make their passage to the next world. 

Sandalwood – Infuses your atmosphere with a healing aroma. Used as an aphrodisiac, and is burned to waft a little romance into an atmosphere. Composed of part Santalol, which is a natural sedative. This is reportedly why some homes will burn Sandalwood to rest their children on X-mas Eve.It’s also composed of Tannin, which prevents infection and heals damaged skin. Burning it releases natural antiseptics and cleanses the air. Breathing it can help you relieve anxiety and disperse heavy thoughts. It helps you feel at peace and tranquil.

Nutmeg – Stimulates, strengthens and arouses sexuality. Also used to treat insomnia. Nutmeg’s element is fire, and brings good fortune in games of chance, despite the ways in which combining chance and fire is commonly frowned upon. It helps in meditation and divination to enhance clairvoyance and clarify your sight while encouraging visions. It is also used in ritual to help inspire money to make way to your pocketbook.

Sage – Helps purify the air of a plethora of uglies. It can dissuade a Voodoo curse whilst batting away annoying-ass bugs. Meanwhile you’re busy thinking about everything that you love about life while your intuition sharpens. No joke, Sage is like the Swiss Army Knife of incense.

Clove – Burning cloves as an incense draws wealth and prosperity, drives away hostile and negative forces, produces positive spiritual vibrations, and purifies the area where it is burned. Whether you would like to banish evil, clear your head, feel protected, love or, and/or get money, using cloves is said to ensure that your magickal intention is realized.

Cedar – The smoke of burning cedar is said to attract the good spirits and eliminate negative energies. The cedar tree has been revered for its spiritual significance for thousands of years. Its wood has been used at the doors of sacred temples, burned in cleansing ceremonies for purification, used in indigenous sweat lodge ceremonies, the tree was thought to house important gods and to be an entrance to higher spiritual realms. it is often used to cleanse a home when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.

Palo Santo  – Popularized for its heavenly presence in keeping energies grounded and clear, palo santo  creates a pleasant, fresh smoke.  It works well in keeping away mosquitoes and other flying insects, which is one of the prime uses for the people who live in Ecuador and Peru.  It provides an uplifting scent that raises your vibration in preparation for meditation and allows for a deeper connection to the Source of all creation.  It is also said that Palo Santo enhances creativity and brings good fortune to those who are open to its majestic properties.